Carrying out the survey
Where have the UAS graduates found employment, and how does the degree meet the needs of working life? How does the career path of a higher education graduate look like? It is these questions that the nationwide career survey of UAS aims to answer.
Target group
The annual career monitoring survey is sent to approx. 27 000 people, who have graduated from a UAS five years ago with either a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.
Utilizing the results
Higher education institutions use the career monitoring data in planning and developing their education. Meanwhile, also higher education students and those applying for higher education get useful information, based on which they can plan their personal career and boost their employment. The Ministry of Education and Culture utilizes the nationwide survey results in evaluating the quality and development needs of education in higher education institutions.
Carrying out the career monitoring
The career monitoring survey is carried out annually in October–November. A nationwide career monitoring network, which consists of the representatives of universities of applied sciences, has been established to carry out the survey and disseminate information on career monitoring. CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd. is responsible for the technical implementation of the survey.
Ethical principles
Executing the career monitoring survey of universities of applied sciences is guided by the ethical principles approved by the Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences Arene.
Processing the data
The data is collected, stored and used responsibly, respecting the rights of the respondents and protecting the privacy of individuals. At every stage of the data collection, the appropriate laws, decrees and instructions are complied with. The survey results are reported systematically, responsibly and by adhering to the General Data Protection Regulation and good scientific conduct.
The results affect the government funding received by the universities of applied sciences
3% of the universities of applied sciences’ basic funding is distributed based on the results of the career monitoring survey. Survey questions that have a bearing on the funding were selected so that they would measure the graduates’ satisfaction with the higher education completed, the opportunities to utilize the acquired higher education competence in working life, the level of difficulty of the work in relation to the higher education received and the importance of the higher education in the development of competence (MINEDU 2017).
More information on career monitoring at universities of applied sciences
If you have any questions on the career monitoring survey or its execution, you can contact Satu Helmi: / +358 50 598 5563